Awards & recognition: Diving into rentals

Awards & recognition: Diving into rentals

Every once in awhile I’m able to write articles that explore a topic in depth. These are the meaty ones that are both challenging and rewarding to produce.

Earlier this year, I did one such article when I took a deep dive into Ottawa’s rental market. It was created partly to help launch a new section on my All Things Home website related to purpose-built rentals and partly as an article for the Ottawa Citizen Homes section.

At 4,000+ words, it was definitely meaty and I was pleased with the overall “state of the market” it was able to present.

I was even more pleased when it was named a finalist this month for best service article in the business-to-consumer category of the Canadian Online Publishing Awards (COPA), a national digital awards program covering academic, business, consumer and media publishing.

Winners will be announced in February.

Check out the article.

UPDATE Feb. 8, 2024: The article won a Silver COPA Award!

Anita Murray is a veteran journalist with 25+ years of experience in the communications realm. She is owner of Three C Communications and co-founder of All Things Home Inc.