• Specialized Communications Services

    At Three C Communications, I specialize in helping you get your message across, whether that’s through content creation, editing or consulting.
    I take a collaborative approach to meeting your needs for both internal and external communications. If that’s something you need, I’m here to help.

  • Editing


    Three C offers several levels of editing, from the simplest to the most complex. Pricing is determined by the service required, the quality and amount of the original material and the turnaround time.

    Levels of editing include:

    • Proofreading: A final light edit of your document.
    • Copy editing: Mechanics of style are corrected, consistency in what’s written and how it’s laid out are checked and problem areas the writer may need to address are identified. Meaning is clarified, jargon eliminated, language is smoothed and good flow is ensured.
    • Substantive editing: Looks even deeper into the material, searching for missing elements and questions that need answering. It often involves clarifying, culling or reorganizing for content, structure and flow.
    • Rewriting: Involves transforming the text into something new using the content and research.  It may include some research and writing of original material.

    Other editing services:

    • Picture research & art direction
    • Fact checking
    • Production editing
  • Writing


    Writing well is an art. It takes skill and an affinity for how words work together to express a thought. It’s a talent not everyone possesses, but it’s crucial if you want to be heard, particularly today, when content is king and good content creation is invaluable to your marketing efforts.

    Three C specializes in creating and developing content that is clear and concise, easy to read and able to cross platforms. I also offer services such as researching, fact-checking and interviewing.

    Here are some of the ways I can help:

    • Articles for publication
    • Internal communications and publications
    • Newsletters
    • Ghost writing
    • Press releases
    • Website content, including blogs
    • Reports
    • Brochures
    • Presentations
    • Catalogues
    • How-to guides

    Don’t see what you’re looking for here? Just ask.

  • Consulting


    It’s not just about what you say, it’s how you say it. If you need help thinking through your ideas to determine the best strategy for getting them across, I can help. Here’s how:

    • Planning: Identifying and offering guidance on your communications needs to help you determine a strategy for meeting your goals.
    • Project managing: Taking an idea from conception through to execution, including creating a proposal, working with a team (if needed) to develop the project, budgeting, design supervision, project co-ordination and editing.
    • Content creation: If you’ve identified how you want to get your message out and just need help executing, I can create that content for you. I’ll work with you to fine tune what you want to say, asking key questions and offering an impartial third-party perspective to ensure your message is effective.
    • Media relations: Are you trying to get your story out but having trouble being heard among the crowd? With more than 25 years of daily journalism experience, I know what works to get through to overworked journalists. When you may have mere seconds to make an impact, the focus and presentation of your message is critical.
  • Voice-overs


    Beyond the written word, when it comes to the spoken word, I am a great option. I offer a crisp, articulate and engaging style that brings a professional yet inviting touch to audio communications.

    If video or audio is part of your marketing strategy, my voice-over services are an efficient way to give your brand the right voice.

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