Giving back: Jakob’s Journey

Giving back: Jakob’s Journey

Running two businesses means I have little time for philanthropic efforts, but when I can find ways to use my skills to help someone else, there is a real satisfaction in it. One such case recently was being able to help a family friend tell the difficult story of her son.

Jakob Ruest was diagnosed at about one year with a severe form of the rare CDKL5 neurological disorder. It would claim his life two years later.

Although he could not speak, see or move, Jakob was a happy child who brought joy to his family and taught them much. It was an honour to help his mother put Jakob’s journey into words for the CDKL5 Canada newsletter.

Read Jakob’s journey and help spread awareness of this debilitating disease.

Anita Murray is a veteran journalist with 25+ years of experience in the communications realm. She is owner of Three C Communications and co-founder of All Things Home Inc.